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Tribe 54 Group

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We Build Then We Break


Sullivan asks how Judith ended up in the cuffs. Travis says it looks like the key is broken off in the lock. Dottie says a woman's business is a woman's business. Judith says Dottie and Gertrude got her into this mess. Dottie tells her to live on the edge for once in her life, but Judith doesn't want that. Dottie steps forward to take a picture and then they admit it's part of a scavenger hunt they're doing to win a cruise. Judith says she misses Shirley in moments like this. Travis asks who Shirley is, but they brush him off. Judith looks at Travis and says he looks guilty. Travis says it's nothing, but Judith knows the look of shame when she sees it. Beckett comes downstairs just as they manage to get Judith free. Dottie says that's one down, five to go. She asks which of them wants to pose shirtless with one of the ladies on their lap.

Andy says Jamal is calm and he's not going anywhere, so they need to do their examination. Officer Jones reluctantly gets off Jamal's back. Vic then cuts off the zip ties, against the officers' advice. Smith says he's already called for backup if Jamal makes a move. Andy helps Jamal up. He tells them he was making pound cake when he realized they were out of butter, so he went to the corner store to get some. His mom always tells him if the police confront him, to put his hands up and no sudden movements, but he gets anxious really easily. He was scared and they kept getting closer. Andy asks him about the pound cake. Pound cake is his mother's favorite and it's her birthday tomorrow. He didn't mean for this to happen. Andy says it's not his fault. He was being profiled. Andy tells Vic Jamal doesn't need to be sedated. Vic agrees, but they're going to be outnumbered soon, so she goes to radio for their own backup.

Smith asks what's going on with the sedative. Vic says Jamal doesn't need to be sedated. Smith says when they found him, he was erratic and combative. That's why they restrained him. Vic says they don't even know if he didn't anything. He ran, which is human instinct. Devlin with the police can be scary. Smith says they're not the enemy. The problem is noncompliance, which is what gets people killed. Vic says it's not up to Jamal to worry about if his anxiety is going to scare the police. Vic doesn't think they're the enemy. She just thinks their training is wrong. She starts to explain what needs to change, but Jones says they don't need to explain themselves to her. Dixon arrives with Officers Williams and Brown. He tells Vic and Andy to step aside so they can take Jamal down to the station. Vic says if they want him, they'll have to go through Vic and Andy. Andy says they have it covered and he's just making it worse. Ross then arrives and asks what the problem is.

Dixon says Jamal is calm now, so there's no need to sedate him, meaning it's PD's call. He orders his officers to bring Jamal in, but Ross stops them. Jamal suddenly gets up and tries to run. Ross, Vic, and Andy put themselves between him and the officers as they draw their weapons. Andy explains that he's having a panic attack. He's terrified. Williams asks if he's armed. Another officer says they gave him a pat down. Ross asks Dixon just to let them take Jamal home. Dixon says Vic should try being a cop. Vic says they run into dangerous situations all the time. Jamal breaks free from Andy, grabs his bag, and tries to run. Andy grabs him as Ross yells that she won't let them tase Jamal on her watch. She has Andy check his backpack. Andy makes him promise not to move, then shows them that his backpack just has groceries. Ross tells the police officers to lower their weapons and go back to their station, where they'll write a report that says they stopped a kid who was just trying to get home to his mom. She draws their attention to a window, where a woman is filming and likely streaming their actions. Either they lower their weapons or they'll be the top story tomorrow. Ross told him she sees everything. Dixon tells his officers to stand down. He repeats the order when they don't immediately do so.

The aid car was called out to the north side of Glendale Lane. Andy and Vic drove there to find their patient being pinned to the ground by two officers while a third held a gun on him. The officers said they got a call from a neighbor reporting suspicious activity. They found the patient covering his face and walking quickly. When they questioned him, he started running, so they tackled him and zip tied his arms behind his back and called for paramedics to sedate him. Vic and Andy asked them to put the gun down so they could treat their patient. Andy recognized that he was speaking Spanish and told the officers he was just scared. Andy said in order to give him a sedative, they needed to get him off the ground and free his arms. Once he had calmed down, Andy and Vic got the officers to get off and got him to sit up. He said he went to the corner store to get butter and got anxious when the police confronted him. Knowing police backup was on the way, Vic radioed in and said it was a Crisis One call and requested Chief Ross to act as a police mediator. In the meantime, Vic told the police that he didn't need to be sedated. When Dixon arrived, he tried to get them to leave and have the patient arrested. Then Ross arrived and refused to let the police take him. Dixon said he was calm, which meant it wasn't FD's call anymore and told his officer to take him in. The patient started having a panic attack and all the officers pointed their weapons at him. Vic, Andy, and Ross put themselves between him and the officers and Ross had Andy check his backpack to confirm he had no weapons on him, just groceries. Ross told the officers to lower their weapons and go back to their station. She also pointed out a woman filming them through the window. Dixon ordered his officer to stand down, which they did reluctantly. Vic and Andy then took their patient home.

Judith, Gertrude, and Dottie came into the station in search of help because Judith's hands were stuck in a pair of handcuffs. The key had broken off in the lock. Travis and Sullivan were able to pick the lock and free her. Once she was free, the firefighters helped the women complete several items on their scavenger hunt. When Dottie started feeling faint, Sullivan took her blood sugar, then got her a drink and took her blood sugar again, which showed she was doing better.

They didn't leave us with a glimmer of light during Station 19 Season 6 Episode 7 unless you are a fan of Ross and Sullivan's romance or the prospect of Jack returning to the station and building a relationship with his biological sister brings you joy.

But then the next, Maya is having a full emotional episode that requires psychological hold in the next scene, and a young Black man and the three WOC at the house facing down guns by the most demented fucking cops in Seattle in the next.

The scene, while heartbreaking, was also unusual in its imbalance when it gave who the series has notoriously utilized as a third wheel in the Marina relationship more emotional stake in the scene than Maya's wife.

They have had such a good love story and it is so heartbreaking to see it all end up in flames. I wish Maya handled this situation better and accepted that she needed help. Yes, she lost her position as Captain unfairly but she focused so much on that and overlooked other things.

The first driver was likely financial. More people involved in trial execution mean more billable full-time equivalents (FTEs). In addition, having been relieved from many tasks, the monitor can be assigned to more studies and perform more monitoring visits, which used to be the main source of revenues for CROs. The latter has become obsolete once we implemented risk-based monitoring. The decreasing trend in the number of on-site visits was strengthened by switching to remote visits during the COVID-19 pandemic and we are unlikely to return to the pre-pandemic modus operandi.

We understand the need to break data silos to get truly actionable insights, but who is going to look at the data and understand what they mean New specialists With all the advanced technologies at our disposal, modern study designs, etc., we need people with a holistic view who embrace quality culture and drive innovations. How can we build this workforce of the future

My father was a US Marine, still is a US Marine, 80 years old, going strong. When he went to bootcamp, the drill instructor's instructions were to break down those cadets or those plebes and build them back up. They had to push them down into the mud, literally, and build them back up. They had to knock them off their high horse. They needed to get everybody who came from different socioeconomic backgrounds to the same level so that they could work cohesively together as a unit.

What in the hell does that have to do with immigration, Jim Well, I was talking to Daniel on our Immigration Answers Show, which you can view every Tuesday and Thursday at noon Central, about one of the great things that Amani, my spouse, is really good at, and it allowed me to put into words something that I've been thinking about for a while, and that is that when a client comes to you, that your job as an immigration lawyer is to break their case down and build it back up. In other words, clients come in with a lot of preconceived notions, a lot of ideas about what's good on their case and what might be bad on their case. But really, they don't know what makes a good case. They don't know what makes a case strong. They think they know. They think they know how to put a case together, but really they don't.

One is I don't want them nitpicking and complaining the whole time. I want them on my side and understanding why we're doing all this work, why we're building up the case this way. But in order to get their mindset right, I need to beat them down a little and explain to them, "Here are all the problems with your case, and we need to get it down to a very base level," and then we build it back up, and then we're all on the same page, and then we make a stronger case because the client is alongside me fighting as hard as I am to make the strongest case possible. 59ce067264


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