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Tribe 54 Group

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La Part Des Anges Vostfr Torrent

The horses careful but strong were acutely tuned into the respect we, as their riders, had for them, and subsequently returned it as we made our way from the forged trails onto the rocky outcrops of the arid landscape. As we rode on, thunderclouds darkened the horizon, promising torrents of rain and lighting to come. Eventually, we began our descent down the mountain of sandstone and back onto the grassy trail, eager to return back to French Creek for the feast and festivities to come. As we dismounted our horses and made our way back to the Chevrolet waiting for us, a team of wranglers snapped their reigns and began driving their herd back into their respective pastures where they would spend their night. The thunder of hooves and clouds of dust concocted a romantic parallel to the oncoming weather, and with one last tip of our hats, we parted ways with Brush Creek Ranch.

La Part Des Anges Vostfr Torrent


I carried him with me into the Woods to seek for Herbs fit for his Disease, and used my utmost to procure some Honey to compose a Remedy for him; but he could neither understand me, or comprehend what I demanded of him. At last, having Breakfasted, we went along with some Indians to look for Wood of Aloes. This is a Tree of an extraordinary bigness, bearing Leaves like a Fig-Tree, but a little greener: The Tree contains in [Page 94] its Heart a black Wood, very oiley, sharp, and of a very good Odour; And a Tree as big as a Tunn shall have in its Heart but a very little quantity of this black Wood. This Tree is very hard, and where it is black, 'twill sink to the bottom of Water like a Stone. We laded thereof about 35 Tuns, which are 70000 pound weight or thereabouts. We laded Store of 2 or 3 other sorts of Wood, one resembling a Red-Sandal, and the other a Cittern, and partly of the same Odour. It is of a very sweet Scent when first cut, but by succession of time it comes to lose its Odour. I have learnt that this black Wood is certainly a sort of Wood of Aloes, but not so sweet-scented as that of the East Indies, because it comes so far upon the Sea, receiving thereby a certain Saltish quality. But at such time as I was at Goa, being in an Ensarail where the Idolaters Work, I there saw some Wood of Aloes of the River of Ganges, which was sweet, and had almost the same qualities as that of the West, as I since found out by curious Virtue of the Wood of Aloes. Experience. The Gentiles told me [Page 95] that this Wood was very excellent and odoriferous, and neither Rotten nor Worm-eaten, and was chiefly a good Remedy for the Head-Ach, or the Ague. For the Head-Ach, you must rub this Wood against a flat Marble, agitating it with Rose-Water, or common; then rub the Forehead therewith. And for the Ague, drink Water thus agitated, taking 2 or 3 Ounces. This Virtue is not found in that Wood of Aloes which is brought us, because it is quite Rotten and Worm-eaten, having in it no other Virtue but for the Perfumes, and very little for Medicine; So that I advise all curious Apothecaries to chuse for the good and right Wood of Aloes, True Wood of Aloes. which is sharp, joined with a certain bitterness. As for the colour, the best is that which is black, enclined to grey with Veins, very hard and ponderous, rendering a sweet-scent in the burning, and above all very Gummy. These are the marks of the best as far as I could take notice of in my Travels. I know very well that the price thereof is a little high, and that is the reason why it is so [Page 96] seldom kept in Shops, where they have instead thereof the Sandal-Cittern, which is of a quite contrary Faculty and Vertue: And so likewise of the Turbit Which is a Root., of which they chuse more of that which is white, light and falling to Powder in the breaking, (than the grey) which is of a sweet scent, gummy and heavy, which is the good and right, as I have seen at Goa, where they gather it. The Indians themselves never make use of any other sort than the grey inclining to white; but one Dram of that will make more in effect than three of the other; and I believe that this white is not the right Turbit, never having seen any such in the Indies, but that it rather comes from Persia, because 'tis brought from Aleppo and Alexandria by the Caravans which come from Babilon. Thus much can I say at present of the right Turbit. As for the rest, the Indians call this Wood of Aloes Aupariebou.


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