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Tribe 54 Group

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Bog Rata 3 ((LINK))

(a) Pass-through Entities Not Taxed at Entity Level. A credit granted to a partnership, a limited liability company, or other unincorporated business entity taxed as a partnership shall be attributed to the partners, members or owners, on a pro rata basis or pursuant to an alternative method agreed upon by the members, provided that the method would be a permissible method to allocate federal items under Code Section 704. The total aggregate amount of the credit passed through by such entity and claimed by its partners or owners shall not exceed $ 100,000 for any taxable year.

Bog rata 3

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Jupiter je vrhovni rimski bog, bog oluja, groma i munje. Jupiter je bog svjetla. On šalje grmljavinu i munju, zaštitnik je pravde, istine, ćudoređa, vojsku zaustavlja u bijegu i dosuđuje joj pobjedu. U povijesno je doba Jupiter Optimus Maximus glavno božanstvo Rima. Najstariji hram rimskog državnog kulta na kapitoliju posvećen je Jupiteru, Junoni i Minervi; u njemu je senat donosio odluke o objavljivanju rata, tu su se potpisivali međunarodni ugovori i vojskovođe prinosili žrtve, a pobjednički su imperatori na povratku u Rim u trijumfalnoj povorci najprije polazili u Jupiterov hram. Po Rimskom Carstvu podizani su mnogi hramovi u čast Jupitera (najčešće na brežuljcima)

Mars je u rimskoj mitologiji sin Jupitera i Junone, Vulkanov brat, Venerin ljubavnik, i bog rata. Otac je Romula i Rema, osnivača Rima, te su ga Rimljani smatrali svojim djedom. Za razliku od svoga grčkog pandana Aresa, koji je smatran sirovim i neotesanim, Mars je bio duboko štovani i vrlo omiljen rimski bog. Prema njemu je nazvana planet Mars.

There were originally three types of artifacts: mono artifacts, poly artifacts, and continuous artifacts. Mono artifacts had activated abilities that could only be used once and required tapping the artifact when used. These now have errata adding the Tap symbol, , to the activation cost. Poly artifacts had activated abilities that did not require tapping as part of the activation cost and could be used multiple times. Continuous artifacts had a continuous effect that did not require activation. Under the original rules, continuous artifacts were "turned off" when tapped. Under modern rules, this only occurs if stated in the card's rules text. These three types were removed following the Antiquities expansion and before Revised Edition.

Interrupts were similar to modern instants, only "faster." This meant that when an interrupt was played, only other interrupts could be played in response. The timing rules of interrupts required errata for some cards (such as Red Elemental Blast) for them to work properly under these rules.

Wall was the only creature type with a rule associated with it: Walls can't attack. This rule remained a part of the game until the Champions of Kamigawa expansion, when all Walls were given errata to have the Defender ability.

As the first edition of Magic, Alpha introduced many mechanics and themes. Keyword abilities introduced in this set include banding, first strike, flying, landwalk, protection, regeneration, and trample. The defender, fear, indestructible, reach, and vigilance mechanics were also introduced, but were not keyworded until later. Cards with these mechanics have since received retroactive errata. Many other game mechanics were also introduced in this set but are too numerous to be listed here.

Alpha edition included seven cards that use counters: three use +1/+1 counters, Clockwork Beast uses +1/+0 counters, and three used generic counters which were not given any name in the card text. The latter three cards were later given errata that provided names for Corpse counters (Scavenging Ghoul), Mire counters (Cyclopean Tomb), and Vitality counters (Living Artifact).

Dakle, zašto rimski bog rata odgovara gvožđu? Jedno objašnjenje bi bilo da su ljudska bića bila u gvozdenom dobu kada je rimska mitologija bila popularna. U to vreme oružje je bilo od gvožđa i lako je dobijalo crvenkastu rđu nakon dodira sa krvlju. 041b061a72


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