A Greek-English Lexicon, Ninth Edition With A R...
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The Logos edition is the most useful version of Liddell and Scott (LSJ) ever assembled. It is the only edition in which the hundreds of pages and 26,000+ articles of 'Supplement' material have been integrated into the text of the main lexicon, allowing the user to instantly access the 1996 revisions and additions without flipping pages. And like all Logos reference works, the electronic edition links to all the other reference books in Logos Bible Software for instant lookup of related texts. This includes over 198,000 links to the Perseus Classics Collection!
This as well has been enhanced in this electronic edition. Each article begins a new line, and each headword is complete, with prefix and suffix joined forming one word. This, of course, makes it easier to locate a given headword in the text.
Imprint: Clarendon Press - OxfordThe world's most authoritative dictionary of ancient GreekIndispensable for biblical and classical studies alike, the world's most comprehensive and authoritative dictionary of ancient Greek is now available with the Revised Supplement integrated into the body of the text for the first time ever. The publication of the Revised Supplement in 1996 marked a major event in classical scholarship and was the culmination of 13 years' painstaking work overseen by a committee appointed by the British Academy, involving the cooperation of many experts from around the world.The Main Dictionary: Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon (9th edition 1940), is the central reference work for all scholars of ancient Greek authors and texts discovered up to 1940, from the 11th century BC to the Byzantine Period. The early Greek of authors such as Homer and Hesiod, Classical Greek, and the Greek Old and New Testaments are included. Each entry lists not only the definition of a word, but also its irregular inflections, and quotations from a full range of authors and sources to demonstrate usage. The Logos Bible Software Series X electronic edition is the most useful version of Liddell and Scott (LSJ) ever assembled (see Preface below). It is the only edition in which the hundreds of pages and 26,000+ articles of 'Supplement' material have been integrated into the text of the main lexicon, allowing the user to instantly access the 1996 revisions and additions without flipping pages. And like all Logos reference works the electronic edition links to all the other reference books in Logos Bible Software Series X for instant lookup of related texts and Bible references.Note: For Classicists who use Antiquarium 2 by Quadrivium Software, the Logos edition of LSJ can be accessed from within Antiquarium via a single keystroke.
Chamberlain's lexicon is meant to be a supplement to BDAG (W.Bauer, F. W. Danker, W. F. Arndt, and F. W. Gingrich. A Greek-English Lexiconof the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature [3rd ed.; Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 2000]), like G. W. H. Lampe's lexicon (APatristic Greek Lexicon [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1961-1968]) ismeant to be a supplement to Liddell/Scott/Jones (LSJ; the last edition ofwhich is H. G. Liddel and R. Scott. A Greek English Lexicon [9th ed. with arevised supplement; revised by H. S. Jones; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996]).Chamberlain is aware of recent LXX lexicons, and he employs Lust, Eynikel,and Hauspie (J. Lust, E. Eynikel, and K. Hauspie, A Greek-English Lexicon ofthe Septuagint [2 vols.; Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1992 and1996]); however, Muraoka's excellent LXX lexicon (T. Muraoka, A GreekEnglish Lexicon to the Septuagint [Louvain: Peeters, 2009]) was not completeduntil shortly before the publication of Chamberlain's, and thus there isno evidence of its use in Chamberlain's lexicon that I can see. (It isnot listed in the abbreviations for his main sources. It also appearsChamberlain did not use the two earlier editions of Muraoka's lexicon[1993 and 2002]). In order to supplement BDAG for the LXX, Chamberlainemploys the following