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At PDC 2008, Microsoft demonstrated Windows 7 with its reworked taskbar.[38] On December 27, 2008, the Windows 7 Beta was leaked onto the Internet via BitTorrent.[39] According to a performance test by ZDNet,[40] Windows 7 Beta beat both Windows XP and Vista in several key areas, including boot and shutdown time and working with files, such as loading documents. Other areas did not beat XP, including PC Pro benchmarks for typical office activities and video editing, which remain identical to Vista and slower than XP.[41] On January 7, 2009, the x64 version of the Windows 7 Beta (build 7000) was leaked onto the web, with some torrents being infected with a trojan.[42][43] At CES 2009, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced the Windows 7 Beta, build 7000, had been made available for download to MSDN and TechNet subscribers in the format of an ISO image.[44] The stock wallpaper of the beta version contained a digital image of the Betta fish.[45]

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